
 This is the mihimihi that a tamaiti learns when they first join us at Ōtaki School in the Ngai Kete Pathway.

Ko te mihi tuatahi ki ngā atua.

Ko te mihi tuarua ki te Kaikarakia.

Ko to mihi tuatoru ki te Kaiwaiata.

Ko te mihi tuawha ki ngā kaiako.

 Ko te mihi tuarima ki ngā tamariki.

Ko _______ ahau.

Nō reira,

Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.

The first acknowledgement/greeting/thanks to the god.

The second acknowledgement/greeting/thanks to the Kaikarakia - the person who led the prayer.

The third acknowledgement/greeting/thanks to the Kaiwaiata - the person who led the waiata.

The fourth  acknowledgement/greeting/thanks to the teachers.

The fifth acknowledgement/greeting/thanks to the children.

I am ______ . 

Greetings to everyone.

Once tamariki have learnt this mihi, we can then work together to extend their words and understandings of what they are saying. Pepeha will also be a part of their learning in the coming months.

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