Tuesday, April 30, 2024

He rangi mokopuna

Kono continued their mission to work as a kapa today to ensure the ongoing health of our maara. It was a beautiful day so we jumped in the school van and took a haerenga to the beach to collect seaweed. We will use the seaweed to make seaweed 'tea' to fertilise our plants.
We trouped down together and very quickly filled our bucket with many different kinds of seaweed.
It was Eleanors first day at school. It was lovely to spend such a relaxed time together, playing and exploring the sands.
Whaea Ursula will sleep well tonight after an extended session of tag with the tamariki. There was exploration to find shells, sandcastle building, and beginnings of hut building! It was quite hard to leave our beautiful surroundings and return to school!
Good job we did though! Lunch was delicious!
After watering our plants this afternoon, Kono also filled up the bucket of seaweed with water. We'll place a lid on it and leave it to sit for a couple of weeks. Then it will begin to look like a 'tea'. We can then mix this 'tea' with water and feed our plants.

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