Sunday, June 30, 2024

Mānawatia Matariki

We celebrated Matariki this week in a number of different ways. One of our favourite stories in Kono is 'I te timatanga' 'In the beginning' by Peter Gossage. In additon to this kōrero we learnt this week that when Ranganui and Papatūānuku were separated that Tawhirimātea was so upset that he tore out his eyes and flung them into the chest of his father - thus creating the kahui of whetu to make up Matariki. In acknowledgement of the love Tawhirimātea had for his parents we made kites this week...
Thurday morning dawned early for some. We had a hautapu ceremony in our grounds, followed by parakuihi (breakfast) in the Whare Manaaki.
It was a special day to be at Ōtaki School. We started the school day with an assembly followed by a 'Star' morning where the Kono kaiako celebrated Tawhirimātea again with bubbles!

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