Saturday, March 9, 2024

Pool Party!

To celebrate the end of our swimming lessons the teina classes of Ngā Kete had a pool party. Because we are so lucky to have a school pool, we have been able to take tamariki swimming every day. Having lessons five days a week, it takes no time to see an improvement in their swimming skills. So important when we spend so much time at the river and the sea! On Friday afternoon Tama-nui-te-rā came to the party too and we had the hottest day of the week! It was great to get together with Waikawa and Konae to celebrate the end of our swimming season. Finishing off with an iceblock and a play in the park. Ngā mihi ki a koe Whaea Louise kōrua ko Whaea Natalie i tō kōrua mahi i tēnei ahiahi. Ka nui te mihi ki a Mātua Haapi mō tōna mahi ki whakareri te puna kaukau i a rā. He mahi nui tēnei - tēnā koe Matua!

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